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About Us

Weed In A Pot is a free resource to help teach new growers how to grow and process their own cannabis. It was create to show everyone just how doable growing is for all different types of indoor and outdoor spaces and situations.

About Me

Hey guys! My name is Dan and I am the creator of Weed In A Pot.


I first started making videos of my grows because I couldn't find any good grow tutorial videos geared towards new personal growers like myself - all of the best guides seemed to be geared towards large volume and commercial grows focusing on things such as yields and large grow spaces which makes sense since during the prohibition if you were going to risk growing you might as well go big.


But now with the end of the prohibition (In California) and the state allowing a small number of plants to be grow per household I wanted to make a guide for all of the new growers looking to learn how to grow a few plants for personal use.

A little history about how this site came to be...


Weed In A Pot started from a YouTube video of my first time lapsed grow in early 2017. It was a very basic grow log showcasing what I did throughout the grow process, and the video was very well received, which gave me the drive to decide on posting more grow logs but this time with a little more polish and geared towards teaching instead of explaining since as a new grower I found that there was a lack of good tutorials for people like me.


From there the channel grew at a fast pace and I realized that along with a full time job I couldn't keep up with the demand of a weekly upload so the Processing & Technology and Weed In A Pan was introduced to fill in the gaps every other week and that way I'd have more time to work on the time consuming educational and time lapse videos. With this I was also able to cover the entire cannabis process - from seed to harvest to processing to consumption, and it was a ton of fun learning to do these things to then show how to do in the videos.


Unfortunately the channel got deleted with no explanation from YouTube in April 2018 so I was at a crossroads - should I stop with this passion project or double down and spend more time to rebuild it from scratch? After spending some time reflecting with my wife we decided to push forward - but to be able to spend more time on recreating the channel I needed to have more control of the videos - and that is where this website comes in, as a central hub for everything I'm working on.


This also pushed me to create The Absolute Beginners Guide To Growing Cannabis by putting together everything I had worked on in the past 2 years into one tangible product. This way I could help offset the costs of running and maintaining the website, video hosting, and equipment costs while providing some exclusive content for those who want to help support the us.


On June 2018, YouTube with no explanation given restored the channel with everything intact, but on December 2018 YouTube took down the channel again with no explanation, which brings us to today. All of our videos can be found on this website as well as our Facebook page and new weekly videos are posted here, Facebook, and the YouTube BACKUP channel. Updates are provided on our Instagram page, and if you want even more exclusive content be sure to check out our Patreon page!

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